ABUS Potential-free Glass Breakage Detector with Adhesive - gas sensor

Proizvođač: Abus
Šifra: 1357971
Kataloški broj: FU7301W
Jamstvo: Nema
Raspoloživost: Dobavljivo (Dobavljivo)
Prosječna ocjena: Ocjena 0 0,00 | Glasova: 0
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The detector picks up the ultrasonic frequencies from glass breakage and reports it to the alarm panel. It is mounted between 20 and 50 mm from the window frame. The detector should be attached in such a way that you notice immediately if there is no contact to the pane. The cable should not be in any danger of being damaged when the window is opened and closed. The glass break detector does not need a power supply.

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ABUS Potential-free Glass Breakage Detector with Adhesive - gas sensor ABUS Potential-free Glass Breakage Detector with Adhesive - gas sensor The detector picks up the ultrasonic frequencies from glass breakage and reports it to the alarm panel. It is mounted between 20 and 50 mm from the window frame. The detector should be attached in such a way that you notice immediately if there is no contact to the pane. The cable should not be in any danger of being damaged when the window is opened and closed. The glass break detector does not need a power supply.<table style="border:none;width:60%"></table>
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33.67 EUR