Mobicool cooling pads 2x220g

Proizvođač: Dometic
Šifra: 1434984
Kataloški broj: 9600024991
Jamstvo: 24
Raspoloživost: Dobavljivo (Dobavljivo)
Prosječna ocjena: Ocjena 0 0,00 | Glasova: 0
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Odabrali ste prikaz cijena za gotovinsko plaćanje - prikaži MPC

Mobicool Ice Pack 220 High performance cooling cartridges, pack size 27.2 x 220 g Keep food fresh with two 200g high-performance ice packs. They cool for up to 18 hours and are ideal for use in passive refrigerators. They are also useful if you want to take the electric cooler with you to the beach or other off-grid locations. Keeps food fresh between 0 °C and +10 °C for up to 18 hours Made of food grade plastic material Leak-proof and hygienic - seamless one-piece design, no stopper Durable quality for repeated use

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Mobicool cooling pads 2x220g Mobicool cooling pads 2x220g Mobicool Ice Pack 220 High performance cooling cartridges, pack size 27.2 x 220 g Keep food fresh with two 200g high-performance ice packs. They cool for up to 18 hours and are ideal for use in passive refrigerators. They are also useful if you want to take the electric cooler with you to the beach or other off-grid locations. Keeps food fresh between 0 °C and +10 °C for up to 18 hours Made of food grade plastic material Leak-proof and hygienic - seamless one-piece design, no stopper Durable quality for repeated use<table style="border:none;width:60%"></table>
0.00 0
2.30 EUR