Acer Vero PD2527i - DLP projector - portable

Proizvođač: Acer
Šifra: 1418695
Kataloški broj: MR.JWF11.001
Jamstvo: 12
Raspoloživost: Dobavljivo (Dobavljivo)
Prosječna ocjena: Ocjena 0 0,00 | Glasova: 0
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701,90 €
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733,10 €
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740,89 €
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Popust 10%
701,90 €
Novčanice, Transakcijski račun
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709,70 €
Maestro, MasterCard, Visa
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725,30 €
PBZ Maestro/Visa Inspire 2-6 rata
Popust 6%
733,10 €
RBA Master/Visa 2-12 rata
Popust 5%
740,89 €
Diners, ZABA kartice 2-6 rata, Diners 2-6 rata, ERSTE Maestro/Visa/Master 2-8 rata, PBZ Maestro/Visa Inspire 7-12 rata
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748,69 €
ZABA Master/Visa 7-12 rata, Diners 7-12 rata, PBZ Visa Premium 2-6 rata
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756,49 €
ERSTE Maestro/Visa/Master 9-12 rata
Popust 2%
764,29 €
Diners 13-24 rate, PBZ Visa Premium 7-12 rata
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779,89 €
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već od 21,66 €/mjesečno

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Unleash your presentations' potential with the Acer PD2527i DLP Projector, your ultimate tool for clear and dynamic visual communication. Designed for the modern professional, this 2700 Lumens projector outputs bright, vibrant images in 1080p Full HD resolution, ensuring your content looks as impressive on the big screen as it does on your laptop.
Leave dull, lifeless presentations in the past. The Acer PD2527i is your key to creating visually compelling, immersive presentations. With its DLP technology, it provides sharp, detail-rich images, letting your audience appreciate every nuance. Whether you're showing detailed graphs, high-resolution videos, or colorful images, this projector delivers every time.
Compact and portable, the Acer PD2527i fits perfectly in any meeting room or classroom setting. Its intelligent eco-mode adjusts the lamp's brightness based on the ambient light, promoting energy efficiency without compromising image quality.
The Acer PD2527i isn't just a projector - it's a game-changer, the bridge between your ideas and their realization. With its easy setup, intuitive user interface, and robust connectivity options, it's the projector of choice for those who want to communicate more effectively and impressively.
Take your presentations to the next level. Illuminate your ideas with the Acer PD2527i DLP Projector. It's not just about displaying content - it's about making an impact.

Osnovne karakteristike
Nativna rezolucija: 1920x1080

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Ukoliko na našoj stranici otkrijete neistinite odnosno neadekvatne informacije, molimo vas da nam to javite na prodaja[o]

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Acer Vero PD2527i - DLP projector - portable Acer Vero PD2527i - DLP projector - portable Unleash your presentations' potential with the Acer PD2527i DLP Projector, your ultimate tool for clear and dynamic visual communication. Designed for the modern professional, this 2700 Lumens projector outputs bright, vibrant images in 1080p Full HD resolution, ensuring your content looks as impressive on the big screen as it does on your laptop.<br />Leave dull, lifeless presentations in the past. The Acer PD2527i is your key to creating visually compelling, immersive presentations. With its DLP technology, it provides sharp, detail-rich images, letting your audience appreciate every nuance. Whether you're showing detailed graphs, high-resolution videos, or colorful images, this projector delivers every time.<br />Compact and portable, the Acer PD2527i fits perfectly in any meeting room or classroom setting. Its intelligent eco-mode adjusts the lamp's brightness based on the ambient light, promoting energy efficiency without compromising image quality.<br />The Acer PD2527i isn't just a projector - it's a game-changer, the bridge between your ideas and their realization. With its easy setup, intuitive user interface, and robust connectivity options, it's the projector of choice for those who want to communicate more effectively and impressively.<br />Take your presentations to the next level. Illuminate your ideas with the Acer PD2527i DLP Projector. It's not just about displaying content - it's about making an impact.<table style="border:none;width:60%"></table>
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701.90 EUR