Brabantia degradable bags Perfect Fit 6L X 10 pcs

Proizvođač: Brabantia
Šifra: 1403708
Kataloški broj: 419683
Jamstvo: Nema
Raspoloživost: Dobavljivo (Dobavljivo)
Prosječna ocjena: Ocjena 0 0,00 | Glasova: 0
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Popust 10%
5,40 €
Transakcijski račun
Popust 9%
5,46 €
Popust 8%
5,52 €
Maestro, MasterCard, Visa
Popust 6%
5,64 €
Union, PBZ Maestro/Visa Inspire 2-6 rata
Popust 5%
5,70 €
Diners, ZABA Master/Visa 2-6 rata, ERSTE Master/Visa/Maestro 2-6 rata
Popust 4%
5,76 €
Diners 2-12 rata, PBZ Visa Inspire/Maestro 7-12 rata, PBZ Visa Premium 2-6 rata
Popust 3%
5,82 €
ZABA Master/Visa 7-12 rata
Popust 2%
5,88 €
ERSTE Master/Visa/Maestro 2-6 rata, PBZ Visa Premium 7-12 rata
Popust se ne obračunava
6,00 €
ZABA Master/Visa 13-24 rate, Diners 13-24 rate

Načini plaćanja u trgovini

Popust 10%
5,40 €
Novčanice, Transakcijski račun
Popust 9%
5,46 €
Maestro, MasterCard, Visa
Popust 7%
5,58 €
PBZ Maestro/Visa Inspire 2-6 rata
Popust 6%
5,64 €
RBA Master/Visa 2-12 rata
Popust 5%
5,70 €
Diners, ZABA kartice 2-6 rata, Diners 2-6 rata, ERSTE Maestro/Visa/Master 2-8 rata, PBZ Maestro/Visa Inspire 7-12 rata
Popust 4%
5,76 €
ZABA Master/Visa 7-12 rata, Diners 7-12 rata, PBZ Visa Premium 2-6 rata
Popust 3%
5,82 €
ERSTE Maestro/Visa/Master 9-12 rata
Popust 2%
5,88 €
Diners 13-24 rate, PBZ Visa Premium 7-12 rata
Popust se ne obračunava
6,00 €
ZABA Maestro/Visa 7-12 rata, ZABA Visa 13-24 rate, ZABA Master 13-36 rata, Diners 25-36 rata

*MBNET kartice (Maestro, Visa, Mastercard) kojima je moguće plaćanje na rate izdane od Slatinske banke, Istarske kreditne banke, Sberbanke, KentBank i Agram banke
**kod nonSEPA transakcija naplaćujemo naknadu banke

već od 0,17 €/mjesečno

Odabrali ste prikaz cijena za gotovinsko plaćanje - prikaži MPC

A green solution for waste disposal. Brabantia bin bags are fully compostable, environmentally friendly, strong and easy to use. Advantages and features Perfect fit - tailored for Brabantia bins. Good for the planet - made from a starch-based material that is 100% compostable. Suitable for home composting - completely disappears in 10 weeks. No ugly wrapper - the garbage bag is invisible when the lid is closed. Compostable - Lasts 10 days in your bin, dissolves when hot or moist waste is placed in it. Clean - keeps your container dry and fresh. Always the right size - the color code matches your Brabantia waste bin. Just what you need - 10 litter bags that fit perfectly in your 6 liter Brabantia litter bin (code S).

Za odabrani proizvod nije definirana specifikacija.

Za odabrani proizvod nije unesen niti jedan komentar.

Brabantia degradable bags Perfect Fit 6L X 10 pcs Brabantia degradable bags Perfect Fit 6L X 10 pcs A green solution for waste disposal. Brabantia bin bags are fully compostable, environmentally friendly, strong and easy to use. Advantages and features Perfect fit - tailored for Brabantia bins. Good for the planet - made from a starch-based material that is 100% compostable. Suitable for home composting - completely disappears in 10 weeks. No ugly wrapper - the garbage bag is invisible when the lid is closed. Compostable - Lasts 10 days in your bin, dissolves when hot or moist waste is placed in it. Clean - keeps your container dry and fresh. Always the right size - the color code matches your Brabantia waste bin. Just what you need - 10 litter bags that fit perfectly in your 6 liter Brabantia litter bin (code S).<table style="border:none;width:60%"></table>
0.00 0
5.40 EUR