20g Tube CPU Thermal Paste Grease Compound for Heatsinks - heat grease - cpu paste - thermal compound (HEATGREASE20) processor heatsink paste

Proizvođač: StarTech
Šifra: 1349421
Kataloški broj: HEATGREASE20
Jamstvo: 12
Raspoloživost: Dobavljivo (Dobavljivo)
Prosječna ocjena: Ocjena 0 0,00 | Glasova: 0
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Improve the Heat Transfer between a CPU and Heatsink through a Ceramic/Silicone Compound. The HEATGREASE20 CPU Thermal Paste Compound can be used to improve the effectiveness of a CPU cooler, by thermally bonding the surface of the CPU to the heatsink, which enables the heatsink and fan to work more efficiently to remove harmful heat from the CPU.
This 20g tube of ceramic-based thermal grease is enough for a large number of CPU installations for most home or business computers or any other light application where good thermal bonding between two surfaces is required.
Please see our support section for the Material Safety Data Sheet for HEATGREASE20.

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Za odabrani proizvod nije unesen niti jedan komentar. 20g Tube CPU Thermal Paste Grease Compound for Heatsinks - heat grease - cpu paste - thermal compound (HEATGREASE20) processor heatsink paste 20g Tube CPU Thermal Paste Grease Compound for Heatsinks - heat grease - cpu paste - thermal compound (HEATGREASE20) processor heatsink paste Improve the Heat Transfer between a CPU and Heatsink through a Ceramic/Silicone Compound. The HEATGREASE20 CPU Thermal Paste Compound can be used to improve the effectiveness of a CPU cooler, by thermally bonding the surface of the CPU to the heatsink, which enables the heatsink and fan to work more efficiently to remove harmful heat from the CPU.<br />This 20g tube of ceramic-based thermal grease is enough for a large number of CPU installations for most home or business computers or any other light application where good thermal bonding between two surfaces is required.<br />Please see our support section for the Material Safety Data Sheet for HEATGREASE20.<table style="border:none;width:60%"></table>
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7.44 EUR